Thursday, January 3, 2013

Turkey Sliders

Got this from 5 ingredient fix. First you caramelize the onions, add salt, pepper, chicken bullion, and bbq sauce when it's done cooking. Mix ground turkey with water, salt, pepper, sugar, chicken bullion, and sugar, and mix into patty shapes making a dimple. Cook patty, put on a Hawaiian roll and add the cooked onions. We had mashed potatoes on the side. Simple, easy, healthy, and cheap.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Candy Corn Nails

Paint the whole nail orange first

Place tape in the middle and paint the top yellow and bottom white. Pull the tape off while it is still wet and presto!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Ombre for Days

Blue and pink with purple sparkle topcoat

Green and blue ocean-y ombre
Tips: Make sure you paint your nails WHITE first. It makes all the different. Blend the colors on the makeup sponge and voila.

Jungle Nails

Around three days after putting them on

I found a box at my local swap meet for only $2 and decided to give it a try. It is really easy to apply and it lasted for about a week. The crazy part was that it actually smelled like nail polish. I did these in the car on the way to San Francisco. It is time consuming though, but definitely worth it!